Package 'workflowr'

Title: A Framework for Reproducible and Collaborative Data Science
Description: Provides a workflow for your analysis projects by combining literate programming ('knitr' and 'rmarkdown') and version control ('Git', via 'git2r') to generate a website containing time-stamped, versioned, and documented results.
Authors: John Blischak [aut, cre] , Peter Carbonetto [aut] , Matthew Stephens [aut] , Luke Zappia [ctb] (Instructions for hosting with GitLab), Pierre Formont [ctb] (Support for hosting with Shiny Server), Tim Trice [ctb] (Instructions for sharing common code), Jiaxiang Li [ctb] (Function wflow_toc() to create table of contents), Michael J. Kane [ctb] (<>, Option suppress_report), Anh Tran [ctb] (Updated RStudio Project Template), Sydney Purdue [ctb] (Improved wflow_start() error handling), Giorgio Comai [ctb] (Added argument only_published to wflow_toc()), Zaynaib Giwa [ctb] (Multiple enhancements), Xiongbing Jin [ctb] (Fixed bug in versions table for figures), Yihui Xie [ctb] (<>, Design advice; maintenance)
Maintainer: John Blischak <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2024-09-13 06:26:08 UTC

Help Index

Build the site


wflow_build builds the website from the files in the analysis directory. This is intended to be used when developing your code to preview the changes. When you are ready to commit the files, use wflow_publish.


  files = NULL,
  make = is.null(files),
  update = FALSE,
  republish = FALSE,
  combine = "or",
  view = getOption("workflowr.view"),
  clean_fig_files = FALSE,
  delete_cache = FALSE,
  seed = 12345,
  log_dir = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE,
  local = FALSE,
  dry_run = FALSE,
  project = "."



character (default: NULL). Files to build. Only allows files in the analysis directory with the extension Rmd or rmd. If files is NULL, the default behavior is to build all outdated files (see argument make below). Supports file globbing. The files are always built in the order they are listed.


logical (default: is.null(files)). When make = TRUE, build any files that have been modified more recently than their corresponding HTML files (inspired by Make). This is the default action if no files are specified.


logical (default: FALSE). Build any files that have been committed more recently than their corresponding HTML files (and do not have any unstaged or staged changes). This ensures that the commit version ID inserted into the HTML corresponds to the exact version of the source file that was used to produce it.


logical (default: FALSE). Build all published R Markdown files (that do not have any unstaged or staged changes). Useful for site-wide changes like updating the theme, navigation bar, or any other setting in _site.yml.


character (default: "or"). Determine how to combine the files from the arguments files, make (wflow_build() only), update, and republish. When combine is "or", any file specified by at least one of these arguments will be built. When combine is "and", only files specified by all of these arguments will be built.


logical (default: getOption("workflowr.view")). View the website with wflow_view after building files. If only one file is built, it is opened. If more than one file is built, the main index page is opened. Not applicable if no files are built or if dry_run = TRUE.


logical (default: FALSE). Delete existing figure files for each R Markdown file prior to building it. This ensures that only relevant figure files are saved. As you develop an analysis, it is easy to generate lots of unused plots due to changes in the number of code chunks and their names. However, if you are caching chunks during code development, this could cause figures to disappear. Note that wflow_publish uses clean_fig_files = TRUE to ensure the results can be reproduced.


logical (default: FALSE). Delete the cache directory (if it exists) for each R Markdown file prior to building it.


numeric (default: 12345). The seed to set before building each file. Passed to set.seed. DEPRECATED: The seed set here has no effect if you are using wflow_html as the output format defined in _site.yml. This argument is for backwards compatibility with previous versions of workflowr.


character (default: NULL). The directory to save log files from building files. It will be created if necessary and ignored if local = TRUE. The default is to use a directory named workflowr in tempdir.


logical (default: FALSE). Display the build log directly in the R console as each file is built. This is useful for monitoring long-running code chunks.


logical (default: FALSE). Build files locally in the R console. This should only be used for debugging purposes. The default is to build each file in its own separate fresh R process to ensure each file is reproducible in isolation. This is done using callr::r_safe.


logical (default: FALSE). List the files to be built, without building them.


character (default: ".") By default the function assumes the current working directory is within the project. If this is not true, you'll need to provide the path to the project directory.


wflow_build has multiple, non-mutually exclusive options for deciding which files to build. If multiple options are used, then the argument combine determines which files will be built. If combine == "or" (the default), then any file specified by at least one of the arguments will be built. In contrast, if combine == "and", then only files specified by all of the arguments will be built. The argument make is the most useful for interactively performing your analysis. The other options are more useful when you are ready to publish specific files with wflow_publish (which passes these arguments to wflow_build). Here are the options for specifying files to be built:

  • Files specified via the argument files

  • make = TRUE - Files which have been modified more recently than their corresponding HTML files

  • update = TRUE - Previously published files which have been committed more recently than their corresponding HTML files. However, files which currently have staged or unstaged changes are not included.

  • republish = TRUE - All published files. However, files which currently have staged or unstaged changes are not included.

Under the hood, wflow_build is a wrapper for render_site from the package rmarkdown. By default (local = FALSE), the code is executed in an isolated R session. This is done using callr::r_safe.


An object of class wflow_build, which is a list with the following elements:

  • files: The input argument files

  • make: The input argument make

  • update: The input argument update

  • republish: The input argument republish

  • view: The input argument view

  • clean_fig_files: The input argument clean_fig_files

  • delete_cache: The input argument delete_cache

  • seed: The input argument seed

  • log_dir: The directory where the log files were saved

  • verbose: The input argument verbose

  • local: The input argument local

  • dry_run: The input argument dry_run

  • built: The relative paths to the built R Markdown files

  • html: The relative paths to the corresponding HTML files

Comparison to RStudio Knit button

wflow_build is intentionally designed to be similar to clicking on the Knit button in RStudio. Both isolate the code execution in a separate R process, thus ensuring the results are not dependent on the state of the current R session. However, they do differ in a few ways:

Number of files

The RStudio Knit button only builds the current Rmd file open in the editor. In contrast, wflow_build can build any number of Rmd files (each in their own separate R process) with a single invocation, including accepting file globs.

System and user profiles

The two methods diverge the most in their use of .Rprofile files. wflow_build ignores any system or user profiles (i.e. ~/.Rprofile on Linux/macOS or ~/Documents/.Rprofile on Windows). This is the default behavior of callr::r_safe, which it calls to run the separate R process. This is ideal for reproducibility. Otherwise the results could be affected by custom settings made only on the user's machine. In contrast, the RStudio Knit button loads any system or user level profiles, consistent with its role as a development tool.

Project-specific profiles

A project-specific .Rprofile is treated differently than system or user profiles. wflow_build only loads a project-specific .Rprofile if it is located in the current working directory in which wflow_build is invoked. This may be confusing if this differs from the directory in which the code in the Rmd is actually executed (the option knit_root_dir defined in _workflowr.yml). The RStudio Knit button only loads a project-specific .Rprofile if it is located in the same directory as its setting "Knit Directory" is configured. For example, if "Knit Directory" is set to "Document Directory", it will ignore any .Rprofile in the root of the project. But it would load the .Rprofile if "Knit Directory" was changed to "Project Directory".

The main takeaway from the above is that you should try to limit settings and options defined in .Rprofile to affect the interactive R experience and superficial behavior, e.g. the option max.print to limit the number of lines that can be printed to the console. Any critical settings that affect the results of the analysis should be explicitly set in the Rmd file.

See Also



## Not run: 

# Build any files which have been modified
wflow_build() # equivalent to wflow_build(make = TRUE)
# Build a single file
# Build multiple files
wflow_build(c("file1.Rmd", "file2.Rmd"))
# Build multiple files using a file glob
# Build every published file
wflow_build(republish = TRUE)
# Build file.Rmd and any files which have been modified
wflow_build("file.Rmd", make = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Commit files


wflow_git_commit adds and commits files with Git. This is a convenience function to run Git commands from the R console instead of the shell. For most use cases, you should use wflow_publish instead, which calls wflow_git_commit and then subsequently also builds and commits the website files.


  files = NULL,
  message = NULL,
  all = FALSE,
  force = FALSE,
  dry_run = FALSE,
  project = "."



character (default: NULL). Files to be added and committed with Git. Supports file globbing.


character (default: NULL). A commit message.


logical (default: FALSE). Automatically stage files that have been modified and deleted. Equivalent to: git commit -a


logical (default: FALSE). Allow adding otherwise ignored files. Equivalent to: git add -f


logical (default: FALSE). Preview the proposed action but do not actually add or commit any files.


character (default: ".") By default the function assumes the current working directory is within the project. If this is not true, you'll need to provide the path to the project directory.


Some potential use cases for wflow_git_commit:

  • Commit drafts which you do not yet want to be included in the website

  • Commit files which do not directly affect the website (e.g. when you are writing scripts for a data processing pipeline)

  • Manually commit files in docs/ (proceed with caution!). This should only be done for content that is not automatically generated from the source files in the analysis directory, e.g. an image file you want to include in one of your pages.

Under the hood, wflow_git_commit is a wrapper for add and commit from the package git2r.


An object of class wflow_git_commit, which is a list with the following elements:

  • files: The input argument files.

  • message: The message describing the commit.

  • all: The input argument all.

  • force: The input argument force.

  • dry_run: The input argument dry_run.

  • commit: The object returned by git2r::commit (only included if dry_run == FALSE).

  • commit_files: The relative path(s) to the file(s) included in the commit (only included if dry_run == FALSE).

See Also



## Not run: 

# Commit a single file
wflow_git_commit("analysis/file.Rmd", "Add new analysis")
# Commit multiple files
wflow_git_commit(c("code/", "output/small-data.txt"),
             "Process data set")
# Add and commit all tracked files, similar to `git commit -a`
wflow_git_commit(message = "Lots of changes", all = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Configure Git settings


wflow_git_config configures the global Git settings on the current machine. This is a convenience function to run Git commands from the R console instead of the Terminal. The same functionality can be achieved by running git config in the Terminal.


wflow_git_config( = NULL, = NULL, ..., overwrite = FALSE)


character (default: NULL). Git user name. Git assigns an author when committing (i.e. saving) changes. If you have never used Git before on your computer, make sure to set this.

character (default: NULL). Git user email. Git assigns an email when committing (i.e. saving) changes. If you have never used Git before on your computer, make sure to set this.


Arbitrary Git settings, e.g. core.editor = "nano".


logical (default: FALSE). Overwrite existing Git global settings.


The main purpose of wflow_git_config is to set the and to use with Git commits. Note that these do not need to match the name and email you used to register your online account with a Git hosting service (e.g. GitHub or GitLab). However, it can also handle arbitrary Git settings (see examples below).

There are two main limitations of wflow_git_config for the sake of simplicity. First, wflow_git_config only affects the global Git settings that apply to all Git repositories on the local machine and is unable to configure settings for one specific Git repository. Second, wflow_git_config can only add or change the and settings, but not delete them. To perform either of these actions, please use git config in the Terminal.

Under the hood, wflow_git_config is a wrapper for config from the package git2r.

To learn more about how to configure Git, see the Software Carpentry lesson Setting Up Git.


An object of class wflow_git_config, which is a list with the following elements:

  • The current global Git

  • The current global Git

  • all_settings: A list of all current global Git settings


## Not run: 

# View current Git settings
# Set and
wflow_git_config( = "A Name", = "email@domain")
# Set core.editor (the text editor that Git opens to write commit messages)
wflow_git_config(core.editor = "nano")

## End(Not run)

Pull files from remote repository


wflow_git_pull pulls the remote files from your remote repository online (e.g. GitHub or GitLab) into your repository on your local machine. This is a convenience function to run Git commands from the R console instead of the Terminal. The same functionality can be achieved by running git pull in the Terminal.


  remote = NULL,
  branch = NULL,
  username = NULL,
  password = NULL,
  fail = TRUE,
  dry_run = FALSE,
  project = "."



character (default: NULL). The name of the remote repository. See Details for the default behavior.


character (default: NULL). The name of the branch in the remote repository to pull from. If NULL, the name of the current local branch is used.


character (default: NULL). Username for online Git hosting service (e.g. GitHub or GitLab). The user is prompted if necessary.


character (default: NULL). Password for online Git hosting service (e.g. GitHub or GitLab). The user is prompted if necessary.


logical (default: TRUE) Abort the pull if any merge conflicts are detected. If you are sure you want to manually cleanup the merge conflicts, set fail = FALSE. The argument fail is passed to the git2r function merge.git_repository.


logical (default: FALSE). Preview the proposed action but do not actually pull from the remote repository.


character (default: ".") By default the function assumes the current working directory is within the project. If this is not true, you'll need to provide the path to the project directory.


wflow_git_pull tries to choose sensible defaults if the user does not explicitly specify the remote repository and/or the remote branch:

  • If both remote and branch are NULL, wflow_git_pull checks to see if the current local branch is tracking a remote branch. If yes, it pulls to this tracked remote branch.

  • If the argument remote is left as NULL and there is only one remote, it is used. If there is more than one remote, the one named "origin" is used.

  • If the argument branch is left as NULL, the name of the current local branch is used (referred to as HEAD by Git).

Under the hood, wflow_git_pull is a wrapper for pull from the package git2r.


An object of class wflow_git_pull, which is a list with the following elements:

  • remote: The remote repository.

  • branch: The branch of the remote repository.

  • username: Username for online Git hosting service (e.g. GitHub or GitLab).

  • merge_result: The git_merge_result object returned by git2r (only included if dry_run == FALSE).

  • fail: The input argument fail.

  • dry_run: The input argument dry_run.

  • protocol: The authentication protocol for the remote repository (either "https" or "ssh".

  • project: The input argument project.


## Not run: 

# Pull from remote repository
# Preview by running in dry run mode
wflow_git_pull(dry_run = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Push files to remote repository


wflow_git_push pushes the local files on your machine to your remote repository on a remote Git hosting service (e.g. GitHub or GitLab). This is a convenience function to run Git commands from the R console instead of the Terminal. The same functionality can be achieved by running git push in the Terminal.


  remote = NULL,
  branch = NULL,
  username = NULL,
  password = NULL,
  force = FALSE,
  set_upstream = TRUE,
  view = getOption("workflowr.view"),
  dry_run = FALSE,
  project = "."



character (default: NULL). The name of the remote repository. See Details for the default behavior.


character (default: NULL). The name of the branch to push to in the remote repository. If NULL, the name of the current local branch is used.


character (default: NULL). Username for online Git hosting service (e.g. GitHub or GitLab). The user is prompted if necessary.


character (default: NULL). Password for online Git hosting service (e.g. GitHub or GitLab). The user is prompted if necessary.


logical (default: FALSE). Force the push to the remote repository. Do not use this if you are not 100% sure of what it is doing. Equivalent to: git push -f


logical (default: TRUE). Set the current local branch to track the remote branch if it isn't already tracking one. This is likely what you want. Equivalent to: git push -u remote branch


logical (default: getOption("workflowr.view")). Open the URL to the repository in the browser. Ignored if dry_run = TRUE. Also note that this only works if the option browser is set, which you can check with getOption("browser").


logical (default: FALSE). Preview the proposed action but do not actually push to the remote repository.


character (default: ".") By default the function assumes the current working directory is within the project. If this is not true, you'll need to provide the path to the project directory.


wflow_git_push tries to choose sensible defaults if the user does not explicitly specify the remote repository and/or the remote branch:

  • If both remote and branch are NULL, wflow_git_push checks to see if the current local branch is tracking a remote branch. If yes, it pushes to this tracked remote branch.

  • If the argument remote is left as NULL and there is only one remote, it is used. If there is more than one remote, the one named "origin" is used.

  • If the argument branch is left as NULL, the name of the current local branch is used (referred to as HEAD by Git).

Under the hood, wflow_git_push is a wrapper for push from the package git2r.


An object of class wflow_git_push, which is a list with the following elements:

  • remote: The remote repository.

  • branch: The branch of the remote repository.

  • username: Username for online Git hosting service (e.g. GitHub or GitLab).

  • force: The input argument force.

  • set_upstream: The input argument set_upstream.

  • view: The input argument view.

  • dry_run: The input argument dry_run.

  • protocol: The authentication protocol for the remote repository (either "https" or "ssh".


## Not run: 

# Push to remote repository
# Preview by running in dry run mode
wflow_git_push(dry_run = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Manage remote Git repositories


wflow_git_remote is a convenience function for managing remote repositories from R. By default it displays the current remote repositories (analogous to git remote -v). It can add a remote, remove a remote, or update the URL for an existing remote.


  remote = NULL,
  user = NULL,
  repo = NULL,
  protocol = "https",
  action = "add",
  domain = "",
  verbose = TRUE,
  project = "."



character (default: NULL). The name of the remote.


character (default: NULL). The username for the remote repository.


character (default: NULL). The name of the remote repository on the Git hosting service (e.g. GitHub or GitLab).


character (default: "https"). The protocol for communicating with the Git hosting service (e.g. GitHub or GitLab). Must be either "https" or "ssh".


character (default: "add"). The action to perform on the remotes. Must be one of "add", "remove", or "set_url". This argument is ignored if remote = NULL.


character (default: ""). The domain of the remote host. For example, if you want to host your Git repository at GitLab, you would specify "".


logical (default: TRUE). Display the current remotes. Analogous to git remote -v.


character (default: ".") By default the function assumes the current working directory is within the project. If this is not true, you'll need to provide the path to the project directory.


wflow_git_remote constructs a URL to a remote repository based on the input username, repository name, protocol (https or ssh), and domain (e.g. "" or ""). It can add a remote (action = "add"), remove a remote (action = "remove"), or update the URL for an existing remote (action = "set_url").

This function cannot change the name of an existing remote. To accomplish this, you could run Git from the Terminal (git remote rename <old> <new>) or use git2r::remote_rename from R.


Invisibly returns a named character vector of the remote URLs.


## Not run: 

# Display the current remotes

# Add a remote called origin that points to the
# GitHub repository example_repo owned by
# the GitHub user example_user
wflow_git_remote("origin", "example_user", "example_repo")

# Remove the remote named upstream
wflow_git_remote("upstream", action = "remove")

# Change the protocol of the remote origin from https to ssh
wflow_git_remote("origin", "example_user", "example_repo", protocol = "ssh",
              action = "set_url")

# Add a remote called origin that points to the
# GitLab repository example_repo owned by
# the GitLab user example_user
wflow_git_remote("origin", "example_user", "example_repo", domain = "")

## End(Not run)

Convert to a workflowr HTML document


Workflowr custom format for converting from R Markdown to an HTML document. wflow_html has two distinct functionalities: 1) configure the formatting of the HTML by extending html_document (see the RStudio documentation for the available options), and 2) configure the workflowr reproducibility features (typically specified in a file named _workflowr.yml). wflow_html is intended to be used to generate webpages for a workflowr website, but it can also be used outside a workflowr project to implement reproducibility features for single R Markdown documents.





Arguments passed to html_document.


An output_format object to pass to render.

HTML formatting

wflow_html extends html_document. To set default formatting options to be shared across all of your HTML files, set them in the file analysis/_site.yml. This special file can also be used to configure other aspects of the website like the navigation bar (for more details see the documentation on R Markdown websites). For example, to use the theme "cosmo" and add a table of contents to every webpage, you would add the following to analysis/_site.yml:

    toc: true
    theme: cosmo

Formatting options can also be set for a specific file, which will override the default options set in analysis/_site.yml. For example, to remove the table of contents from one specific file, you would add the following to the YAML header of that file:

    toc: false

However, this will preserve any of the other shared options (e.g. the theme in the above example). If you are not overriding any of the shared options, it is not necessary to specify wflow_html in the YAML header of your workflowr R Markdown files.

Reproducibility features

wflow_html also implements the workflowr reproducibility features. For example, it automatically sets a seed with set.seed; inserts the current code version (i.e. Git commit ID); runs sessionInfo at the end of the document; and inserts links to past versions of the file and figures.

These reproducibility options are not passed directly as arguments to wflow_html. Instead these options are specified in _workflowr.yml or in the YAML header of an R Markdown file (using the field workflowr:). These options (along with their default values) are as follows:


The directory where code inside an R Markdown file is executed; this ultimately sets argument knit_root_dir in render. By default, wflow_start sets knit_root_dir in the file _workflowr.yml to be the path ".". This path is a relative path from the location of _workflowr.yml to the directory for the code to be executed. The path "." is shorthand for "current working directory", and thus code is executed in the root of the workflowr project. You can change this to be a relative path to any subdirectory of your project. Also, if you were to delete this line from _workflowr.yml, then this would cause the code to be executed from the same directory in which the R Markdown files are located (i.e. analysis/ in the default workflowr setup).

It is also possible (though in general not recommended) to configure the knit_root_dir to apply to only one of the R Markdown files by specifying it in the YAML header of that particular file. In this case, the supplied path is interpreted as relative to the R Markdown file itself. Thus knit_root_dir: "../data" would execute the code in the subdirectory data/.


The seed argument in the call to set.seed, which is added to the beginning of an R Markdown file. In wflow_start, this is set to the date using the format YYYYMMDD. If no seed is specified, the default is 12345.


The function that is run to record the session information. The default is "sessionInfo()".


The URL of the remote repository for creating links to past results. If unspecified, the URL is guessed from the "git remote" settings (see wflow_git_remote). Specifying this setting inside _workflowr.yml is especially helpful if multiple users are collaborating on a project since it ensures that everyone generates the same URLs.


By default a workflowr report is inserted at the top of every HTML file containing useful summaries of the reproducibility features and links to past versions of the analysis. To suppress this report, set suppress_report to TRUE


In the default workflowr setup, the file _workflowr.yml is located in the root of the project. For most users it is best to leave it there, but if you are interested in experimenting with the directory layout, the _workflowr.yml file can be located in the same directory as the R Markdown files or in any directory upstream of that directory.

Here is an example of a customized _workflowr.yml file:

# Execute code in project directory
knit_root_dir: "."
# Set a custom seed
seed: 4815162342
# Use sessioninfo package to generate the session information.
sessioninfo: "sessioninfo::session_info()"
# Use this URL when inserting links to past results.

And here is an example of a YAML header inside an R Markdown file with the same exact custom settings as above:

title: "About"
    toc: false
  knit_root_dir: ".."
  seed: 4815162342
  sessioninfo: "sessioninfo::session_info()"

Note that the path passed to knit_root_dir changed to ".." because it is relative to the R Markdown file instead of _workflowr.yml. Both have the effect of having the code executed in the root of the workflowr project.

See Also

wflow_pre_knit, wflow_post_knit, wflow_pre_processor

Open R Markdown analysis file(s)


wflow_open opens R Markdown files in RStudio and sets the working directory to the knit directory (see Details). If a file does not exist, a minimal one is created.


wflow_open(files, change_wd = TRUE, edit_in_rstudio = TRUE, project = ".")



character. R Markdown file(s) to open. Files must have the extension Rmd or rmd. Supports file globbing. Set project = NULL to create an R Markdown file outside of the R Markdown directory of a workflowr project.


logical (default: TRUE). Change the working directory to the knit directory. If project = NULL, the working directory is not changed.


logical (default: TRUE). Open the file(s) in the RStudio editor.


character (or NULL). By default the function assumes the current working directory is within the project. If this is not true, you'll need to provide the path to the project directory. Set project = NULL if running this command to create a file for a non-workflowr project.


wflow_open is a convenience function to make it easier to begin working, especially when starting a new analysis. First, it creates a new file if necessary and tries to make educated guesses about metadata like the title, author, and date. Second, it sets the working directory to the knit directory. The knit directory is where the code in the R Markdown files is executed, and may be defined via the field knit_root_dir in the file _workflowr.yml (see wflow_html for all the details). If this field is not defined, then the knit directory is the R Markdown directory. Third, it opens the file(s) in RStudio if applicable. The latter two side effects can be turned off if desired.

If you would like to create an R Markdown file with wflow_open for an analysis that is not part of a workflowr project, set project = NULL. Otherwise wflow_open will throw an error. Note that the working directory is not changed when project = NULL.


An object of class wflow_open, which is a list with the following elements:


The input argument files as absolute paths.


The input argument change_wd.


The input argument edit_in_rstudio.


The knit directory (see wflow_html for details). This is NULL if project was set to NULL.


The working directory in which wflow_open was executed.


The working directory that wflow_open changed to. The value is NULL if the working directory was not changed.


The subset of the input argument files that were newly created. Paths are absolute.


## Not run: 
# Multiple files
wflow_open(c("analysis/model-data.Rmd", "analysis/another-analysis.Rmd"))
# Open all R Markdown files
# Create an R Markdown file in a non-worklowr project
wflow_open("model-data.Rmd", project = NULL)

## End(Not run)

Publish the site


wflow_publish is the main workflowr function. Use it when you are ready to publish an analysis to your site. wflow_publish performs three steps: 1) commit the file(s) (can include both Rmd and non-Rmd files, e.g. _site.yml), 2) rebuild the R Markdown file(s), 3) commit the generated website file(s). These steps ensure that the version of the HTML file is created by the latest version of the R Markdown file, which is critical for reproducibility.


  files = NULL,
  message = NULL,
  all = FALSE,
  force = FALSE,
  update = FALSE,
  republish = FALSE,
  combine = "or",
  view = getOption("workflowr.view"),
  delete_cache = FALSE,
  seed = 12345,
  verbose = FALSE,
  dry_run = FALSE,
  project = "."



character (default: NULL). R Markdown files and other files to be added and committed with Git (step 1). Any R Markdown files will also be built (step 2) and their output HTML and figures will be subsequently committed (step 3). Supports file globbing. The files are always built in the order they are listed.


character (default: NULL). A commit message.


logical (default: FALSE). Automatically stage files that have been modified and deleted. Equivalent to: git commit -a


logical (default: FALSE). Allow adding otherwise ignored files. Equivalent to: git add -f


logical (default: FALSE). Build any files that have been committed more recently than their corresponding HTML files (and do not have any unstaged or staged changes). This ensures that the commit version ID inserted into the HTML corresponds to the exact version of the source file that was used to produce it.


logical (default: FALSE). Build all published R Markdown files (that do not have any unstaged or staged changes). Useful for site-wide changes like updating the theme, navigation bar, or any other setting in _site.yml.


character (default: "or"). Determine how to combine the files from the arguments files, make (wflow_build() only), update, and republish. When combine is "or", any file specified by at least one of these arguments will be built. When combine is "and", only files specified by all of these arguments will be built.


logical (default: getOption("workflowr.view")). View the website with wflow_view after building files. If only one file is built, it is opened. If more than one file is built, the main index page is opened. Not applicable if no files are built or if dry_run = TRUE.


logical (default: FALSE). Delete the cache directory (if it exists) for each R Markdown file prior to building it.


numeric (default: 12345). The seed to set before building each file. Passed to set.seed. DEPRECATED: The seed set here has no effect if you are using wflow_html as the output format defined in _site.yml. This argument is for backwards compatibility with previous versions of workflowr.


logical (default: FALSE). Display the build log directly in the R console as each file is built. This is useful for monitoring long-running code chunks.


logical (default: FALSE). Preview the proposed action but do not actually add or commit any files.


character (default: ".") By default the function assumes the current working directory is within the project. If this is not true, you'll need to provide the path to the project directory.


Returns an object of class wflow_publish, which is a list with the following elements:

  • step1: An object of class wflow_git_commit from the first step of committing the files.

  • step2: An object of class wflow_build from the second step of building the HTML files.

  • step3: An object of class wflow_git_commit from the third step of committing the HTML files.

See Also

wflow_git_commit, wflow_build


## Not run: 
# single file
wflow_publish("analysis/file.Rmd", "Informative commit message")
# All tracked files that have been edited
wflow_publish(all = TRUE, message = "Informative commit message")
# A new file plus all tracked files that have been edited
wflow_publish("analysis/file.Rmd", "Informative commit message", all = TRUE)
# Multiple files
wflow_publish(c("analysis/file.Rmd", "analysis/another.Rmd"),
              "Informative commit message")
# All R Markdown files that start with the pattern "new_"
wflow_publish("analysis/new_*Rmd", "Informative commit message")
# Republish all published files even though they haven't been modified.
# Useful for changing some universal aspect of the site, e.g. the theme
# specified in _site.yml.
wflow_publish("analysis/_site.yml", "Informative commit message",
              republish = TRUE)
# Publish all previously published files that have been committed more
# recently than their corresponding HTML files. This is useful if you like to
# manually commit your R Markdown files.
wflow_publish(update = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Quickly start a workflowr project


wflow_quickstart provides a simple interface to effortlessly create a workflowr project from an existing data analysis.


  username = NULL,
  organization = NULL,
  supporting_files = NULL,
  directory = NULL,
  change_wd = TRUE,
  delete_on_error = TRUE,
  view = getOption("workflowr.view"), = NULL, = NULL,
  host = c("github", "gitlab"),
  create_on_github = NULL



character. The R Markdown file(s) to be copied into the subdirectory analysis/ of the newly created workflowr project. If the argument directory is left as NULL, the workflowr project will be named after the first Rmd file. This new directory will be located in the current working directory. Supports file globbing.


character (default: NULL). The GitHub or GitLab personal account you want to use to create the remote Git repository. It can also be the name of a GitLab Group that you belong to. However, if it is a GitHub organization, instead use the argument organization.


The GitHub organization account you want to use to create the remote Git repository.


character (default: NULL) Supporting files or directories that are used by the Rmd files. These will be copied to the root of the project. Since by default Rmd files are executed in the root of the project, any relative file paths should still work. Long term it is recommended to move these supporting files to subdirectories of the workflowr project, e.g. data/.


character (default: NULL). The path to the directory to create the workflowr project. This directory will also be used to name the remote Git repository. If left as NULL, the name is derived from the first Rmd file that is passed to the argument files.


logical (default: TRUE). Change the working directory to the newly created workflowr project. Passed to wflow_start.


logical (default: TRUE). Delete the newly created project if any error occurs.


logical (default: getOption("workflowr.view")). View the local website after it is built (will open the home page in the RStudio Viewer pane or your web browser).

character (default: NULL). The user name used by Git to sign commits, e.g., "Ada Lovelace". This setting only applies to the workflowr project being created. To specify the global setting for the Git user name, use wflow_git_config instead. When = NULL, no user name is recorded for the project, and the global setting will be used. This setting can be modified later by running git config --local in the Terminal.

character (default: NULL). The email address used by Git to sign commits, e.g., "[email protected]". This setting only applies to the workflowr project being created. To specify the global setting for the Git email address, use wflow_git_config instead. When = NULL, no email address is recorded for the project, and the global setting will be used. This setting can be modified later by running git config --local in the Terminal.


character. Choose the service for hosting the Git repository. Must be either "github" for or "gitlab" for


logical (default: NULL). Should workflowr create the repository on GitHub? This requires logging into your GitHub account to authenticate workflowr to act on your behalf. The default behavior is to ask the user. Note that this only works for public repositories on If you want to create a private repository or are using GitHub Enterprise, you will need to manually create the repository.


wflow_quickstart performs the following steps:

  • Starts a new project with wflow_start

  • Copies the Rmd file(s) to the subdirectory analysis/

  • Copies the supporting file(s) and/or directory(s) to the root of the project (Note: by default Rmd files are executed in the root of the project, so relative file paths should still work)

  • Adds link(s) to the results to the main index page

  • Publishes the Rmd files with wflow_publish

  • Configures the remote repository with wflow_use_github or wflow_use_gitlab

Once it has completed, you can push to the remote service with wflow_git_push. Alternatively you can run git push in the terminal.

If you are using GitHub and you chose to not allow workflowr to create the repository for you, then you will have to login to your account and create the new repository yourself. If you're using GitLab, you don't have to worry about this because the new repository will be automatically created when you push.


Invisibly returns the absolute path to the newly created workflowr project.

See Also

workflowr, wflow_start, wflow_publish, wflow_use_github, wflow_use_gitlab, wflow_git_push


## Not run: 

wflow_quickstart(files = "existing-analysis.Rmd", username = "your-github-username")

## End(Not run)

Remove files


wflow_remove removes files. If the file to be removed is an R Markdown file, the corresponding HTML and other related files are also removed. If the workflowr project uses Git, wflow_remove commits the changes.


wflow_remove(files, message = NULL, git = TRUE, dry_run = FALSE, project = ".")



character. Files to be removed. Supports file globbing.


character (default: NULL). A commit message.


logical (default: TRUE). Commit the changes (only applicable if Git repository is present).


logical (default: FALSE). Preview the files to be removed but do not actually remove them.


character (default: ".") By default the function assumes the current working directory is within the project. If this is not true, you'll need to provide the path to the project directory.


An object of class wflow_remove, which is a list with the following elements:

  • files: The relative path(s) to the removed file(s).

  • message: The message describing the commit (if applicable).

  • dry_run: The input argument dry_run.

  • commit:The object returned by git2r::commit (only included if dry_run == FALSE).

  • files_git: The relative path(s) to the file(s) removed from the Git repository.

See Also



## Not run: 

# Remove a single file
wflow_remove("analysis/file.Rmd", "Remove old analysis.")
# Remove multiple files
wflow_remove(c("analysis/file.Rmd", "output/small-data.txt"),
             "Remove old analysis and its associated data.")

## End(Not run)

Rename files and directories


wflow_rename renames files and directories. If the file to be renamed is an R Markdown file, the corresponding HTML and other related files are also renamed. If the workflowr project uses Git, wflow_rename commits the changes.


  message = NULL,
  git = TRUE,
  dry_run = FALSE,
  project = "."



character. Files to be renamed. Supports file globbing.


character. New names for the files. Must be the same length as files.


character (default: NULL). A commit message.


logical (default: TRUE). Commit the changes (only applicable if Git repository is present).


logical (default: FALSE). Preview the files to be renamed but do not actually rename them.


character (default: ".") By default the function assumes the current working directory is within the project. If this is not true, you'll need to provide the path to the project directory.


An object of class wflow_rename, which is a list with the following elements:

  • files: The relative path(s) to the renamed file(s).

  • to: The new relative path(s) to rename the file(s).

  • message: The message describing the commit (if applicable).

  • git: The input argument git.

  • dry_run: The input argument dry_run.

  • commit:The object returned by git2r::commit (only included if dry_run == FALSE).

  • files_git: The relative path(s) to the file(s) renamed from the Git repository.

See Also



## Not run: 

# rename a single file
wflow_rename("analysis/file.Rmd", "analysis/new.Rmd", "rename old analysis.")
# rename multiple files
wflow_rename(c("analysis/file.Rmd", "output/small-data.txt"),
             c("analysis/new.Rmd", "output/new-data.txt"),
             "rename old analysis and its associated data.")

## End(Not run)

Rename a workflowr project


If you want to rename an existing workflowr project, use wflow_rename_proj to update the name throughout all the project files.


  rproj = TRUE,
  remote = TRUE,
  navbar = TRUE,
  readme = TRUE,
  commit = TRUE,
  directory = TRUE,
  project = "."



character. The new name for the workflowr project.


logical (default: TRUE). Rename the RStudio Project file.


logical (default: TRUE). Rename the remote URL.


logical (default: TRUE). Rename the navbar title.


logical (default: TRUE). Rename the README title.


logical (default: TRUE). Commit the changes to Git.


logical (default: TRUE). Rename the project directory.


character (default: ".") By default the function assumes the current working directory is within the project. If this is not true, you'll need to provide the path to the project directory.


wflow_rename_proj performs the following steps and then commits the changes:

  • Rename RStudio Project file (.Rproj)

  • Update URL of remote repository (see wflow_git_remote)

  • Update project name in the navigation bar (defined in _site.yml)

  • Update title of README file

  • Rename the project directory itself

After renaming the project with wflow_rename_proj, you should republish the R Markdown files with wflow_publish(republish = TRUE). Also, you should go to the settings of your Git repository on the online Git hosting platform to change its name.


Invisibly returns the path to the project directory

See Also



## Not run: 


## End(Not run)

Run the code


wflow_run executes the code chunks of an R Markdown file in the current R session without affecting any of the website files. This is meant to be used while interactively developing an analysis. It does not change the working directory, isolate the computation from the current R session, nor set the seed of the random number generator. This is analogous to the RStudio option "Run all" to run all the code chunks. Use wflow_publish when you are ready to add the results to the website.


wflow_run(file = NULL, verbose = TRUE, project = ".")



character (default: NULL). The R Markdown file to execute. Must have file extension Rmd or rmd. If NULL, the most recently modified Rmd file will be executed.


logical (default: TRUE). Should the lines of code (and their output) be echoed in the R console as they are executed? This argument is passed directly to the argument echo of the function source.


character (default: ".") By default the function assumes the current working directory is within the project. If this is not true, you'll need to provide the path to the project directory.


Invisibly returns the path to the Rmd file that was executed

See Also

wflow_build with argument local = TRUE, source with argument echo = TRUE


## Not run: 

# Run the most recently modified Rmd file
# Run a specific Rmd file

## End(Not run)

Custom site generator for workflowr websites


wflow_site is a custom site generator to be used in combination with the R Markdown output format wflow_html.


wflow_site(input, encoding = getOption("encoding"), ...)



character. The name of the website directory or a specific R Markdown file in the website directory.


character. The character encoding to use to read the file.


Placeholder for potential future use.


Do not call the function wflow_site directly. Instead insert the line below directly into the YAML header of the file index.Rmd:

title: "Home"
site: workflowr::wflow_site
    toc: false

Then you can build the website by running render_site in the R console or clicking the Knit button in RStudio.

If you receive an error when using the RStudio Knit button (the error is about an unused argument), make sure the Knit Directory is set to Document Directory (you can set this with the dropdown menu next to the Knit button).

See Also

wflow_html, render_site

Start a new workflowr project


wflow_start creates a directory with the essential files for a workflowr project. The default behavior is to add these files to a new directory, but it is also possible to populate an existing directory. By default, the working directory is changed to the workflowr project directory.


  name = NULL,
  git = TRUE,
  existing = FALSE,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  change_wd = TRUE,
  disable_remote = FALSE,
  dry_run = FALSE, = NULL, = NULL



character. The directory where the workflowr project files will be added, e.g., "~/my-wflow-project". When existing = FALSE, the directory will be created.


character (default: NULL). The name of the project, e.g. "My Workflowr Project". When name = NULL, the project name is automatically determined based on directory. For example, if directory = "~/projects/my-wflow-project", then name is set to "my-wflow-project". The project name is displayed on the website's navigation bar and in the file.


logical (default: TRUE). Should the workflowr files be committed with Git? If git = TRUE and no existing Git repository is detected, wflow_start will initialize the repository and make an initial commit. If a Git repository already exists in the chosen directory, wflow_start will commit any newly created or modified files to the existing repository (also need to set existing = TRUE). If git = FALSE, wflow_start will not perform any Git commands.


logical (default: FALSE). Indicate whether directory already exists. This argument is added to prevent accidental creation of files in an existing directory; setting existing = FALSE prevents files from being created if the specified directory already exists.


logical (default: FALSE). Similar to existing, this argument prevents files from accidentally being overwritten when overwrite = FALSE. When overwrite = TRUE, any existing file in directory that has the same name as a workflowr file will be replaced by the workflowr file. When git = TRUE, all the standard workflowr files will be added and committed (regardless of whether they were overwritten or still contain the original content).


logical (default: TRUE). Change the working directory to the directory.


logical (default: FALSE). Create a Git pre-push hook that prevents pushing to a remote Git repository (i.e. using wflow_git_push). This is useful for extremely confidential projects that cannot be shared via an online Git hosting service (e.g. GitHub or GitLab). The hook is saved in the file .git/hooks/pre-push. If you change your mind and want to push the repository, you can delete that file. Note that this option is only available if git = TRUE. Note that this is currently only supported for Linux and macOS.


logical (default: FALSE). When dry_run = TRUE, the actions are previewed without executing them.

character (default: NULL). The user name used by Git to sign commits, e.g., "Ada Lovelace". This setting only applies to the workflowr project being created. To specify the global setting for the Git user name, use wflow_git_config instead. When = NULL, no user name is recorded for the project, and the global setting will be used. This setting can be modified later by running git config --local in the Terminal.

character (default: NULL). The email address used by Git to sign commits, e.g., "[email protected]". This setting only applies to the workflowr project being created. To specify the global setting for the Git email address, use wflow_git_config instead. When = NULL, no email address is recorded for the project, and the global setting will be used. This setting can be modified later by running git config --local in the Terminal.


This is recommended function to set up the file infrastructure for a workflowr project. If you are using RStudio, you can also create a new workflowr project as an "RStudio Project Template". Go to "File" -> "New Project..." then select "workflowr project" from the list of project types. In the future, you can return to your project by choosing menu option "Open Project..." and selecting the .Rproj file located at the root of the workflowr project directory. In RStudio, opening this file will change the working directory to the appropriate location, set the file navigator to the workflowr project directory, and configure the Git pane.

wflow_start populates the chosen directory with the following files:

|--- .gitignore
|--- .Rprofile
|--- _workflowr.yml
|--- analysis/
|   |--- about.Rmd
|   |--- index.Rmd
|   |--- license.Rmd
|   |--- _site.yml
|--- code/
|   |---
|--- data/
|   |---
|--- docs/
|--- <directory>.Rproj
|--- output/
|   |---

The two required subdirectories are analysis/ and docs/. These directories should never be removed from the workflowr project.

analysis/ contains all the source R Markdown files that implement the analyses for your project. It contains a special R Markdown file, index.Rmd, that typically does not include R code, and is will be used to generate index.html, the homepage for the project website. Additionally, this directory contains the important configuration file _site.yml. The website theme, navigation bar, and other properties can be controlled through this file (for more details see the documentation on R Markdown websites). Do not delete index.Rmd or _site.yml.

docs/ will contain all the webpages generated from the R Markdown files in analysis/. Any figures generated by rendering the R Markdown files are also stored here. Each figure is saved according to the following convention: docs/figure/<Rmd-filename>/<chunk-name>-#.png, where # corresponds to which of the plots the chunk generated (one chunk can produce several plots).

_workflowr.yml is an additional configuration file used only by workflowr. It is used to apply the workflowr reproducibility checks consistently across all R Markdown files. The most important setting is knit_root_dir which determines the directory where the scripts in analysis/ are executed. The default is to run code from the project root (i.e., "."). To execute the code from analysis/, for example, change the setting to knit_root_dir: "analysis". See wflow_html for more details.

Another required file is the RStudio project file (ending in .Rproj). Do not delete this file even if you do not use RStudio; among other essential tasks, it is used to determine the project root directory.

The optional directories are data/, code/, and output/. These directories are suggestions for organizing your workflowr project and can be removed if you do not find them relevant to your project.

data/ should be used to store "raw" (unprocessed) data files.

code/ should be used to store additional code that might not be appropriate to include in R Markdown files (e.g., code to preprocess the data, long-running scripts, or functions that are used in multiple R Markdown files).

output/ should be used to store processed data files and other outputs generated from the code and analyses. For example, scripts in code/ that pre-process raw data files from data/ should save the processed data files in output/.

All these subdirectories except for docs/ include a README file summarizing the contents of the subdirectory, and can be modified as desired, for example, to document the files stored in each directory.

.Rprofile is an optional file in the root directory of the workflowr project containing R code that is executed whenever the .Rproj file is loaded in RStudio, or whenever R is started up inside the project root directory. This file includes the line of code library("workflowr") to ensure that the workflowr package is loaded.

Finally, .gitignore is an optional file that indicates to Git which files should be ignored—that is, files that are never committed to the repository. Some suggested files to ignore such as .Rhistory and .Rdata are listed here.


An object of class wflow_start, which is a list with the following elements:


The input argument directory.


The input argument name.


The input argument git.


The input argument existing.


The input argument overwrite.


The input argument change_wd.


The input argument disable_remote.


The input argument dry_run.

The input argument

The input argument


The object returned by git2r::commit, or NULL if git = FALSE.


Do not delete the file .Rproj even if you do not use RStudio; workflowr will not work correctly unless this file is there.

See Also



## Not run: 


# Provide a custom name for the project.
wflow_start("path/to/new-project", name = "My Project")

# Preview what wflow_start would do
wflow_start("path/to/new-project", dry_run = TRUE)

# Add workflowr files to an existing project.
wflow_start("path/to/current-project", existing = TRUE)

# Add workflowr files to an existing project, but do not automatically
# commit them.
wflow_start("path/to/current-project", git = FALSE, existing = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Report status of workflowr project


wflow_status reports the analysis files that require user action.


wflow_status(files = NULL, include_git_status = TRUE, project = ".")



character (default: NULL) The analysis file(s) to report the status. By default checks the status of all analysis files. Supports file globbing.


logical (default: TRUE) Include the Git status of the project files in the output. Note that this excludes any files in the website directory, since these generated files should only be committed by workflowr, and not the user.


character (default: ".") By default the function assumes the current working directory is within the project. If this is not true, you'll need to provide the path to the project directory.


wflow_status reports analysis files with one of the following statuses:

  • Mod: Modified file. Any published file that has been modified since the last time the HTML was published.

  • Unp: Unpublished file. Any tracked file whose corresponding HTML is not tracked. May or may not have staged or unstaged changes.

  • Scr: Scratch file. Any untracked file that is not specifically ignored.

wflow_status only works for workflowr projects that use Git.


Returns an object of class wflow_status, which is a list with the following elements:

  • root: The relative path to the root directory of the workflowr project (i.e. contains the RStudio .Rproj file).

  • analysis: The relative path to the directory that contains _site.yml and the R Markdown files.

  • docs: The relative path to the directory that contains the HTML files and figures.

  • git: The relative path to the .git directory that contains the history of the Git repository.

  • site_yml: TRUE if the configuration file _site.yml has uncommitted changes, otherwise FALSE.

  • wflow_yml: TRUE if the configuration file _workflowr.yml has uncommitted changes, otherwise FALSE. If the file does not exist, the result is NULL. If the file was recently deleted and not yet committed to Git, then it will be TRUE.

  • git_status The Git status as a git_status object from the package git2r (see git2r::status).

  • include_git_status The argument include_git_status indicating whether the Git status should be printed along with the status of the Rmd files.

  • status: A data frame with detailed information on the status of each R Markdown file (see below).

The data frame status contains the following non-mutually exclusive columns (all logical vectors):

  • ignored: The R Markdown file has been ignored by Git according to the patterns in the file .gitignore.

  • mod_unstaged: The R Markdown file has unstaged modifications.

  • conflicted: The R Markdown file has merge conflicts.

  • mod_staged: The R Markdown file has staged modifications.

  • tracked: The R Markdown file is tracked by Git.

  • committed: The R Markdown file has been previously committed to the Git repository.

  • published: The corresponding HTML file has been previously committed.

  • mod_committed: The R Markdown file has modifications that have been committed since the last time the HTML was built and committed.

  • modified: The R Markdown file has been modified since it was last published (i.e. mod_unstaged or mod_staged or mod_committed).

  • unpublished: The R Markdown file is tracked by Git but not published (i.e. the HTML has not been committed).

  • scratch: The R Markdown file is untracked by Git, i.e. it is considered a scratch file until it is committed.


## Not run: 

# Get status of specific file(s)
# Save the results
s <- wflow_status()

## End(Not run)

Create table of contents


wflow_toc creates a table of contents of the published R Markdown files. The output is in markdown format, so you can paste it into a document such as index.Rmd. If the R package clipr is installed, the table of contents is copied to the clipboard. Otherwise the output is sent to the R console.


  ignore_nav_bar = TRUE,
  clipboard = TRUE,
  only_published = TRUE,
  project = "."



logical (default: TRUE). Ignore any HTML files included as links in the navigation bar.


logical (default: TRUE) Attempt to copy table of contents to clipboard. Only relevant if clipr package is installed and the system keyboard is available.


logical (default: TRUE) Include only published contents.


character (default: ".") By default the function assumes the current working directory is within the project. If this is not true, you'll need to provide the path to the project directory.


The default behavior is to attempt to copy the table of contents to the clipboard for easy pasting into an R Markdown document. If this isn't working for you, you can try the following:

  • Check that the clipr package is installed: install.packages("clipr")

  • Check that the system keyboard is writable. Run clipr_available and dr_clipr.

  • If it's still not working, set clipboard = FALSE to send the table of contents to the R console to manually copy-paste.


Invisibly returns the table of contents as a character vector.

Deploy site with GitHub


wflow_use_github automates all the local configuration necessary to deploy your workflowr project with GitHub Pages. Optionally, it can also create the new repository on GitHub (only applies to public repositories hosted on Afterwards, you will need to run wflow_git_push in the R console (or git push in the terminal) to push the code to GitHub.


  username = NULL,
  repository = NULL,
  organization = NULL,
  navbar_link = TRUE,
  create_on_github = NULL,
  protocol = "https",
  domain = "",
  project = "."



character (default: NULL). The GitHub account associated with the GitHub repository. This should be your personal GitHub username. If the repository will be created for a GitHub organization, instead use the argument organization. It will be combined with the arguments repository and domain to determine the URL of the new repository, e.g. the default is It will be combined with the arguments repository, domain, and protocol to determine the URL for Git to use to push and pull from GitHub, e.g. the default is If username is not specified, wflow_use_github will first attempt to guess it from the current setting for the remote URL named "origin". If you haven't previously configured a remote for this workflowr project (or you are unsure what that means), then you should specify your GitHub username when calling this function.


character (default: NULL). The name of the remote repository on GitHub. If not specified, workflowr will guess the name of the repository. First, it will check the current setting for the remote URL named "origin". Second, it will use the name of the root directory of the workflowr project.


character (default: NULL). The GitHub organization associated with the GitHub repository. Only set one of organization or username. See the argument username above for more details.


logical (default: TRUE). Insert a link to the GitHub repository into the navigation bar.


logical (default: NULL). Should workflowr create the repository on GitHub? This requires logging into your GitHub account to authenticate workflowr to act on your behalf. The default behavior is to ask the user. Note that this only works for public repositories on If you want to create a private repository or are using GitHub Enterprise, you will need to manually create the repository.


character (default: "https"). The protocol for communicating with GitHub. Must be either "https" or "ssh".


character (default: ""). The domain of the remote host. You only need to change this if your organization is using GitHub Enterprise.


character (default: ".") By default the function assumes the current working directory is within the project. If this is not true, you'll need to provide the path to the project directory.


wflow_use_github performs the following steps and then commits the changes:

  • Adds a link to the GitHub repository in the navigation bar

  • Configures the Git remote settings to use GitHub (via wflow_git_remote)

  • (Only if necessary) Renames the website directory to docs/

  • (Only if necessary) Edits the setting output_dir in the file _site.yml to save the website files in docs/

Furthermore, you have two options for creating the remote repository on GitHub. In an interactive R session, you will be prompted to choose one of the options below. To bypass the prompt, you can set the argument create_on_github.

  • 1. Have workflowr create the new repository on GitHub. If you accept, your browser will open for you to provide authorization. If you are not logged into GitHub, you will be prompted to login. Then you will be asked to give permission to the workflowr-oauth-app to create the new repository for you on your behalf. This will allow wflow_use_github, running on your own machine, to create your new repository. Once wflow_use_github finishes, workflowr can no longer access your GitHub account.

  • 2. Create the remote repository yourself by going to and entering the Repository name that matches the name of the directory of your workflowr project (if you used the argument repository to make it a different name, make sure to instead use that one).

Once the GitHub repository has been created either by wflow_use_github or yourself, run wflow_git_push in the R console (or git push origin master in the terminal) to push your code to GitHub.


Invisibly returns a list of class wflow_use_github. This is currently for internal use only. Please open an Issue if you'd like to use this information.


The feature to automatically create the GitHub repository for you may fail since it involves using your web browser to authenticate with your GitHub account. If it fails for any reason, it'd probably be easier to manually login to GitHub and create the repository yourself (instructions from GitHub). However, if you have time, please file an Issue on GitHub to report what happened, and importantly include which web browser you were using.

We have observed the following problems before:

  • The green button to approve the authentication of the workflowr GitHub app to create the repository on your behalf is grayed out, and unable to be clicked. This is likely a JavaScript problem. Make sure you don't have JavaScript disabled in your web browser. Also, you can try using a different browser.

See Also

wflow_git_push, wflow_git_remote, wflow_use_gitlab


## Not run: 

wflow_use_github("your-username", "name-of-repository")
# Login with GitHub account and create new repository

# Create a repository for an organization  you belong to
wflow_use_github(organization = "my-org")

## End(Not run)

Deploy site with GitLab


wflow_use_gitlab automates all the local configuration necessary to deploy your workflowr project with GitLab Pages. Afterwards, you will need to run wflow_git_push in the R console (or git push in the terminal) to push the code to GitLab. Note that this will also create the repository if it doesn't exist yet (this requires GitLab 10.5 or greater). Alternatively, you could manually login to your account and create the new repository on GitLab prior to pushing.


  username = NULL,
  repository = NULL,
  navbar_link = TRUE,
  protocol = "https",
  domain = "",
  project = "."



character (default: NULL). The GitLab account associated with the GitLab repository. This is likely your personal GitLab username, but it could also be the name of a GitLab Group you belong to. It will be combined with the arguments repository and domain to determine the URL of the new repository, e.g. the default is It will be combined with the arguments repository, domain, and protocol to determine the URL for Git to use to push and pull from GitLab, e.g. the default is If username is not specified, wflow_use_gitlab will first attempt to guess it from the current setting for the remote URL named "origin". If you haven't previously configured a remote for this workflowr project (or you are unsure what that means), then you should specify your GitLab username when calling this function.


character (default: NULL). The name of the remote repository on GitLab. If not specified, workflowr will guess the name of the repository. First, it will check the current setting for the remote URL named "origin". Second, it will use the name of the root directory of the workflowr project.


logical (default: TRUE). Insert a link to the GitLab repository into the navigation bar.


character (default: "https"). The protocol for communicating with GitLab. Must be either "https" or "ssh".


character (default: ""). The domain of the remote host. You only need to change this if you are using a custom GitLab instance hosted by your organization. For example, "" is the domain for the GitLab instance hosted by the University of Chicago Research Computing Center.


character (default: ".") By default the function assumes the current working directory is within the project. If this is not true, you'll need to provide the path to the project directory.


wflow_use_gitlab performs the following steps and then commits the changes:

  • Renames the website directory from docs/ to public/

  • Edits the setting output_dir in the file _site.yml to save the website files in public/

  • Adds a link to the GitLab repository in the navigation bar

  • Creates the required file .gitlab-ci.yml

  • Configures the Git remote settings to use GitLab

By default the GitLab repository is set to private, so you are the only one that can access it. If you need to keep it private, you can grant access to collaborators in Settings->Members. Otherwise, you can make it public in Settings->General->Visibility.

For more details, read the documentation provided by GitLab Pages.


Invisibly returns a list of class wflow_use_gitlab. This is currently for internal use only. Please open an Issue if you'd like to use this information.

See Also

wflow_git_push, wflow_git_remote, wflow_use_github, vignette("wflow-06-gitlab")


## Not run: 

wflow_use_gitlab("your-username", "name-of-repository")
# Login with GitLab account and create new repository

## End(Not run)

View research website locally


wflow_view displays the website locally in your browser or the RStudio Viewer pane.


wflow_view(files = NULL, latest = FALSE, dry_run = FALSE, project = ".")



character (default: NULL). Name(s) of the specific file(s) to view. These can be either the name(s) of the R Markdown file(s) in the analysis directory or the HTML file(s) in the docs directory. Supports file globbing.


logical (default: FALSE). Display the HTML file with the most recent modification time (in addition to those specified in files). If files = NULL and latest = FALSE, then index.html is viewed.


logical (default: FALSE). Do not actually view file(s). Mainly useful for testing.


character (default: ".") By default the function assumes the current working directory is within the project. If this is not true, you'll need to provide the path to the project directory.


wflow_view by default displays the file index.html. To view the most recently modified HTML file, set latest = TRUE. To specify which file(s) to view, specify either the name(s) of the R Markdown or HTML file(s).

wflow_view uses browseURL to view the HTML files in the browser. If you wish to do something non-traditional like view an HTML file that is not in the docs directory or not part of a workflowr project, you can use that function directly.

If wflow_view is run in the RStudio IDE and only one file has been requested to be viewed, the file is displayed in the RStudio Viewer.

If R has no default browser set (determined by getOption("browser")), then wflow_view cannot open any HTML files. See browseURL for setup instructions.


An object of class wflow_view, which is a list with the following elements:


The input argument files (converted to relative paths).


The input argument latest.


The input argument dry_run.


Logical indicating if a default browser has been set. If FALSE, no HTML files can be opened. This is determined by the value returned by getOption("browser").


The HTML files opened by wflow_view.

See Also



## Not run: 

# View index.html

# View the most recently modified HTML file
wflow_view(latest = TRUE)

# View a file by specifying the R Markdown file

# View a file by specifying the HTML file

# View multiple files
wflow_view(c("fname1.Rmd", "fname2.Rmd"))

## End(Not run)