
workflowr 1.7.1 (2023-08-22)

This patch release includes improved documentation, bug fixes, and a reduction in the number of Suggested dependencies.

Updated documentation

Bug fixes


workflowr 1.7.0 (2021-12-21)

This minor release includes some new features, improved documentation, and bug fixes.

Minor improvements

Updated documentation

Bug fixes


workflowr 1.6.2 (2020-04-30)

This patch release of workflowr includes minor improvements, updated documentation, and bug fixes. Users are encouraged to upgrade workflowr so that it is compatible with the next release of [fs][] (>1.4.1).

Minor improvements

Updated documentation

Bug fixes

workflowr 1.6.1 (2020-03-11)

This patch release of workflowr includes minor improvements, updated documentation, bug fixes, and lots of internal refactoring.

Minor improvements

Updated documentation

Bug fixes

Internal refactoring

workflowr 1.6.0 (2019-12-19)

New features

Minor improvements and bug fixes

workflowr 1.5.0 (2019-11-01)

This minor release of workflowr includes a new function, the introduction of options to control package-wide function behavior, the ability to suppress the workflowr report from the HTML file, a new vignette for teaching workflowr, and lots of error handling improvements.

New function wflow_quickstart()

The new function wflow_quickstart() provides a simple interface to effortlessly create a workflowr project from an existing data analysis. Pass it your existing R Markdown file(s), and it will start a new workflowr project, publish the analysis files, and configure GitHub (or GitLab).

wflow_quickstart(files = "existing-analysis.Rmd", username = "your-github-username")

Package options

This is the first release to include options for controlling the behavior of all workflowr functions. This makes it more convenient for you to create a consistent workflowr experience. You can set the options in your project's .Rprofile (using the function options()) instead of having to always remember to change a default argument every time you call a function.

Currently there are two workflowr package options. See ?workflowr for more details.

Workshop tutorial for teaching workflowr

The new vignette "Reproducible research with workflowr" is designed to be taught as a tutorial in a workshop setting. It includes setup instructions, an example analysis to highlight the benefits of workflowr, and troubleshooting advice.

Suppress the HTML workflowr report

If you'd like to suppress the workflowr report at the top of an HTML page, you can set the option suppress_report to TRUE. To suppress the report in every HTML file, set the option in _workflowr.yml:

suppress_report: TRUE

To suppress the report in a specific HTML file, add the following to the YAML header of the corresponding Rmd file:

  suppress_report: TRUE

Many thanks to @kaneplusplus for implementing this feature! (#168)

Minor improvements and bug fixes

workflowr 1.4.0 (2019-06-08)

This minor release of workflowr features further GitHub integration, a new reproducibility check, and various improvements and bug fixes.

New features

Minor improvements and bug fixes

workflowr 1.3.0 (2019-04-15)

This minor release of workflowr introduces two new functions, RStudio Addins, and various minor improvements.

New functions

RStudio Addins

[RStudio Addins][rstudio-addins] allow you to execute R code via the RStudio Addins menu. For extra convenience, you can [bind the addins to keyboard shortcuts][rstudio-addins-shortcuts]. The following workflowr functions have addins:

Note that the addin for wflow_publish() is a Shiny Gadget that enables you to interactively choose which files to publish and write a detailed commit message (assistance from @zaynaib and @argdata, #143).

Minor improvements and bug fixes

workflowr 1.2.0 (2019-02-14)

This release overhauls the layout of the reproducibility report, adds support for GitLab, introduces some safety checks and warnings related to caching, provides more documentation, and more.

Full support for GitLab

While it has always been possible to host workflowr projects using platforms other than GitHub, it was less convenient and not all the features were supported. With this release, a workflowr project hosted on GitLab has all the same features as a workflowr project hosted on GitHub, including links to past versions of the R Markdown, HTML, and figure files. It's also possible to use workflowr with GitHub Enterprise or a custom GitLab instance, but you'll have to coordinate with your administrators to make sure it's possible to host the website.

Reproducibility report and other layout changes

The layout of the reproducibility report and other content that workflowr inserts in the HTML output has been overhauled to be both highly informative but also collapsed by default. This way the information is there if you need it, but otherwise is minimally distracting.

Improved support for caching

A popular knitr/rmarkdown feature is caching slow-running chunks. This can be problematic for workflowr because it assumes that the results are newly created when wflow_publish() publishes the results with a given version of the code. In this release, workflowr now provides warnings, safety checks, and some convenience arguments for safely using caching.


In addition to the new vignette on GitLab, this release has multiple other new vignettes plus updates to existing ones.


workflowr 1.1.1 (2018-07-06)

Fix unit test on CRAN Windows servers.

workflowr 1.1.0 (2018-07-04)

workflowr 1.1.0 is a maintenance release. It includes some minor new features, improved error handling, and bug fixes. Critically, it makes workflowr compatible with the latest release of git2r.

The most noticeable changes are 1) wflow_publish()/wflow_status() are now much faster, especially if your project has many R Markdown files and/or many Git commits, 2) the rmarkdown package is no longer loaded automatically when you load workflowr, and 3) the new function wflow_open() (based on a previous version in [workflowrBeta][]) to open new or existing R Markdown files.

New features

Internal changes

Bug fixes and improved error handling

workflowr 1.0.1 (2018-04-23)

Various minor changes to documentation, tests, and package infrastructure to prepare for CRAN submission.

workflowr 1.0.0

The 1.0.0 release is a major change. Instead of relying on the external code chunks in chunks.R to implement the reproducibility features, workflowr 1.0.0 replaces chunks.R with the output format wflow_html() and site generator wflow_site(). This enables a much more informative reproducibility report to be created.

# Install from GitHub

# Start a new project to test out the new features

# Learn about the new ways to customize your site

# Update an existing project


workflowr 0.11.0

workflowr 0.10.2

Fix bug that caused wflow_status() (and thus wflow_publish()) to ignore R Markdown files with the all lowercase file extension .rmd (reported by @LSun and @pcarbo). This was recently introduced in commit a8ce711, so it only affected versions 0.10.0 and 0.10.1.

workflowr 0.10.1

Fix bug that prevented deleted files from being committed with wflow_commit() or wflow_publish() (reported by @pcarbo)

workflowr 0.10.0

Integration with RStudio Viewer

File globbing


workflowr 0.9.0

New RStudio project template

Improved support for Windows

Log files


workflowr 0.8.0

Git installation is now optional


workflowr 0.7.0



workflowr 0.6.0

New function wflow_remove

Improved support for Windows


workflowr 0.5.1

This minor release fixes a bug in how filepaths are resolved so that workflowr can run on Windows.

workflowr 0.5.0

This release changes the interface of some of the main workflowr functions. The functions wflow_publish() and wflow_status() are introduced, and the previous functions wflow_build() and wflow_commit() are re-designed.







workflowr 0.4.0


workflowr R Markdown template

Migrating an existing project to use workflowr

Other new functions

Improvements to the workflowr R package itself

workflowr 0.3.0

workflowr 0.2.0

workflowr 0.1.0